Saturday, November 13, 2010

Coming to terms

Well friday just gone was the end of an era. Our family is complete. No more babies for us.

I know some might think I am crazy. Why would I want to add to our family, we already have 6 children. Truth is. I LOVE IT.

I love being pregnant, I love labor, I love birth, I love babies, I love children. I love it all.

I would so keep going, but I know I have to stop sometime. I know this. It's just hard to get my head around.

I cried when we went to the appointment. Our Dr was good and let us talk some more about it, and was happy to wait, but at the end of the day. Miss T is our last bubba. My husband was amazing. He is amazing.

So now, I am soaking up all the newborn goodness that I can. I am taking nothing for granted. I am doing things I haven't before (co-sleeping), because I don't care. I will never get to have a newborn again.

So. I am going with the flow. Breathing everything in. Taking in every moment.

1 comment:

  1. Some day you will be a Grandma which many people say is even better!! :)


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