Monday, October 4, 2010


Still here.. waiting for our flitterbub to arrive...

I haven't reached my EDD yet. I bet you think I'm so silly to be even writing this when I haven't seen that date float by yet. I just really thought I would go early this time. Even though I have always gone overdue in previous pregnancies.. I guess, I just wanted to go early aswell.
To not have to worry.
To not have to stress.
To not have a time limit placed on me.
To surprise everyone.

I know baby knows it's birthday already. I just hope it's soon. But in the meantime, I need to try to relax.. Go with this ride like I did last time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mel, I keep stalking you on FB to see if your little Flitterbub has arrived. I'm so excited, you must be beside yourself lol.

    Take care of yourself and know that you are in my thoughts. Come on Flitterbub, it's been 9 months already!


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