Sunday, November 29, 2009

When Reality strikes

I went away this weekend. My nana hasn't been well and had one of her legs amputated a few weeks ago. My mum was going up so I decided to go with her.

It was nice to see my nana and she seems to be in good spirits at the moment (when she remembers whats happening). It's sad to see her forgetting things like this, but in the same way it's nice not to see her in as much pain anymore. We can actually have a conversation.

We decided to take her out for the day to go and see my uncle, and it was a nice visit. Although for some reason it started the emotional rolacoaster for me.
As we were leaving my mum was talking to my Aunty saying how nice it was to see me etc, and the only ones she hasn't seen yet was Indianna and Hubby. For such a small comment, meaning no harm I know. It just came out of no where. I just looked at them and burst into tears and sat in the car. I am sure my Aunty thought I had lost the plot, it just came so quickly. I realised that Although she hasn't seen Indianna and hubby yet, she will get to one day soon. But she will never meet my beautiful baby boy, Owen.

I just want to show him off to everyone and introduce him, but he's not here in my arms and I hate it.

1 comment:

  1. I know how your feel. I still think about how much fun it would be to show the world my girls. But that will never happen. xx


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